Friday, July 2, 2010

Beauty as Defined by You

Welcome to our first step towards a healthy body image.  If you asked 10 different people what they thought beauty really was, you would get 10 different responses.  That statement is true because as we all know from the 'ol saying, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  What you find beautiful in others, your friend may not even qualify as being worth mentioning and that's okay.   The only dilemma is you rarely recognize yourself as the beholder with the eye for beauty.  You may not even have thought about what it means to be beautiful because you've been trying to meet other people's definition.  So to start of, this week, I would like you to reflect and share about what you think beauty truly is.  That way, you'll begin to see beauty as defined by you.

 "You're beautiful from head to toe, my dear love, beautiful beyond compare, absolutely flawless"  Songs of Solomon 4:7 (The Message)


  1. To me, beauty is something that stands out. A uncommon quality that just seems to work well in the mix. It could be in a personality or a physical trait.

  2. I agree with you that beauty is something that stands out, because "common" or "average" things usually go unnoticed. And I feel that beauty can be achieved by all, both physically and personality-wise. For instance, there are some who posses instantaneous, striking beauty that requires little or no help from cosmetic enhancement. On the other hand, there are others who are like a diamond in the rough, and use cosmetic/fashion enhancements to give them that extra little kick that will blow your mind.

    Likewise, personality-wise, there are people that I know who are the most beautiful creatures on the planet and I would feel this way even if they did not have a face! It's just because of who they are and the wonderful fruit that they bear. Conversely, there are personality types that I would consider to be "diamonds in the rough" (some even still in their fossil stage...haha) who just need some polishing, shaping, and clarity in order to become the best person they can be.

    I do not mean to come across as though I am objectifying men and women. The fact of the matter is that beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, some people will have a different take on things than I. And everyone notices beauty, but its manifestation is perceived differently by humans and lower animals alike. Additionally, people weigh beauty differently, because X might be caught up on looks while Z could not care less if A had all of her teeth in her mouth -- he just loves her for who she is, etc. : )

    So that's my concise and terse take on the matter.

  3. "Human will becomes truly creative and truly our own when it is wholly God's, and this is one of the many senses in which he that loses his soul shall find it" (C.S. Lewis). He isn't talking directly about beauty here, but I think it works in sort of the same way.

    I think true beauty emerges when we stop trying to create beauty in ourselves and surrender our efforts to God, the Creator of all real beauty. Authenticity is such a beautiful quality, and it fits on everyone!

    I think that's why you can meet someone who has obvious flaws, quirky habits, and clumsy hands, but still find them absolutely lovable. Because it's just who they are. It's in embracing all that God made us to be where true beauty shines through. At least that's where I see it most :)
