Friday, July 16, 2010

Make Your Own Magic

Weeds are naturally occurring, while beautiful flowers take hard work.  The entrance of a poor self/body image is a weed.  It's inevitable and constant.  Flowers and trees require planting.  We've spent the past couple of weeks pulling weeds but now I'd like us to plant some good into our minds.  Good thoughts just don't magically pop up and stay on your mind the way bad thoughts do.  If we chose not to be intentional at all about what we focus our mind on, our natural tendency would be to lean towards bad thoughts.  If you want to think good thoughts about yourself everyday, you need to go out, find the positive thoughts you want, meditate on them, and repeat.  Don't wait around for it to magically come to you.  Be proactive (no, I am not advertising an acne solution) and meditate on good.  Here's my formula this particular good:  GOOD = TRUTH + FAITH.  Seek truth and be encouraged by it!  Even if the truth is that you may be obese (not by your standards, but by doctors' standards), it's still good because you know where you're starting from and you can have faith in your ability to begin living healthier.  This week, find the good in you and the world around you and then focus your mind on it!  By doing this, we're practicing positivity, also known as forward thinking.  Let's move forward!  Next week, we'll move into physical wellness...
"Finally, brothers [and sisters], whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."  Philippians 4:8

Do you agree with my proposed formula of good?  If not, share your own definition!  Then based on your accepted definition of good, what are some of the "goods" you will be intentionally meditating on this week?

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