Friday, June 25, 2010

You're Cordially Invited to...

Ladies (and gentlemen alike),

Welcome.  This blog is a place where lies will be confronted and silenced, where you will once again find your value, and where you'll be free to love you.  This blog is about all of us ridding our distorted and false body images.  Some of us haven't bought much into the hype that we're nothing unless we have a "perfect" body, face, skin, and hair and others have completely shaped their lives around it.  Wherever you fall in this spectrum, there's a place for you here.  This blog is for all of us who are tired of being bombarded with commercials and internet ads telling us to hate ourselves, bodies included.  I myself am done with it!  I say "Shut up, and let me love me!"

I've begun a journey of uncovering an unfading beauty and focusing first on appreciating my entire body.  That appreciation has propelled me to care for myself:  mind, body, and spirit.  Don't get misled; hating your body will NEVER result in you taking care of your body.  No more liquid diets, pills, boxed meals, or guilt exercising; it's time for us to take back our complete self worth and implement actions that will actually bring real and lasting results. This blog is a resource not only for you to get rid of the unhealthy but to put on the healthy.  Here, you will gain a powerful new perspective as you're re-introduced to truth, hope, acceptance, and strength.  We won't stop at scripture, we'll be pulling from an endless supply of freeing knowledge.  So I invite me to join me every Friday to let me love me while I let you love you.

Here's to our journey!  It promises to be positive, eye-opening, liberating, and a catalyst of change for all who join in!

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