Friday, January 7, 2011

The Key to a Great 2011

My best guess is that for most of you, myself included, this year you want to do better in something that relates to your self-image.  Maybe you're wanting to exercise more, eat healthier/less, drink more water, take more pride in your appearance,  or just desire to solely focus on thoughts and people that build up and encourage you.

Whatever you've thought about changing in 2011, just remember that every morning is an opportunity to start anew.  If you didn't do what you hoped to do today, don't give up and wait until the beginning of next year to try again, start with a renewed vigor and freshness the next day.  Your days are whatever you make it to be.  Make it count! Starting fresh every time is the key!

By the way, you're beautiful :-)

"If anyone is in Christ, s/he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"  2 Corinthians 5:17

Take a second and check our word cloud for all the posts from last year!  Click below.
Word Cloud 2010

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