Friday, January 21, 2011

I am One Stomach Flu Away from My Goal Weight

This quotation is from the movie The Devil Wears Prada

How many of you, if you'd be honest, have ever thought..

"being sick is a good way to lose weight" 
"I wish I'd get sick, so I could lose weight without trying"

I definitely laughed out loud when I heard the quotation in the movie, but when I spent time thinking about it, I asked myself what can be done to take our focus off from being skinny at any cost to being healthy at any cost. If that isn't our underlined focus, we're flirting with danger. It's dangerous when numbers on a scale are guiding your health decisions.

Here are 3 ways to jump start your healthy lifestyle:

1.  Redefine your perception of health:  Read health magazines, articles, books, etc.
2.  Ask your doctor (or WebMD for those w/o insurance :) about your options for changing your lifestyle
3.  Begin to notice and compliment healthy people

These three steps are sure to get you off on the right foot!  Want to learn how to help yourself stay on track after you start?  Call 678.978.1885 and set up a telephone appointment and you'll be amazed at how weekly life coaching with me will make you more successful in all your goals!

"Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers"  3 John 1:2

1 comment:

  1. You should try Giardia lamblia,( lost twenty pounds in 6 weeks. I need to do it again, (I've been eyeballing the mud puddle in the back yard for my drinking water)
