Friday, April 8, 2011

"Not This Time Donut! I'm Sticking With My Apple!"


I'VE MADE PROGRESS!  You may reread the story of my October 15th decision in the October 15th post entitled, "Goodbye Apples, Hello Donuts!" to fully understand my victory!

I ended the blog in these encouraging words:

"Forgive yourself (mind, BODY, soul) and learn something every time you make a mistake.  Before you know it, old mistakes will be a distant memory.  Pretty soon for me, it'll be Hello Apple, Goodbye donuts!

Well "pretty soon" is here!  The exact same scenario happened today BUT I kept my apple AND withstood a whole day of leftover donuts boldly staring me down!  I'm so excited!  We all have redeeming stories like this one!  Take time to notice your progress and then, CELEBRATE!!!!

Share your progress in the comment section or on the facebook page! 

Rooting for you,

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly"  

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