Friday, November 18, 2011

Get Past Your Insecurities Today

When you get dressed, do you ever think "I hope this outfit will hide love handles?"  When you put on makeup, are you hoping the make up will cover up your freckles?  When you get dressed and despite all your efforts you don't feel you hid or covered enough imperfections, do you try to stay in a corner so that you will be barely noticed?  We all have those self conscious days now and then but some of you wake up and live with these thoughts everyday.  Stop it!  Instead of trying to cover up things you don't like, know that right now you're powerful enough to make any changes you need.

Maybe you're trying to hide 50 lbs you want gone.  Get a personal trainer and surprise yourself with how much fun you can have getting healthy!  Don't like your facial blemishes?  Go to the dermatologist and get the to deeper reason why you're breaking out and change the way you eat and get the right cream to heal.  The solution to insecurities should never be to hide, it should be to attack all insecurities head on!  Trust me, it feels AMAZING!  Start today and you'll find that you'll spend less time trying to hide and more time living a fun and adventurous life of love and triumph!  God made you to shine.

"People do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house.  Let your light shine"  Matthew 5: 14-16

Friday, April 8, 2011

"Not This Time Donut! I'm Sticking With My Apple!"


I'VE MADE PROGRESS!  You may reread the story of my October 15th decision in the October 15th post entitled, "Goodbye Apples, Hello Donuts!" to fully understand my victory!

I ended the blog in these encouraging words:

"Forgive yourself (mind, BODY, soul) and learn something every time you make a mistake.  Before you know it, old mistakes will be a distant memory.  Pretty soon for me, it'll be Hello Apple, Goodbye donuts!

Well "pretty soon" is here!  The exact same scenario happened today BUT I kept my apple AND withstood a whole day of leftover donuts boldly staring me down!  I'm so excited!  We all have redeeming stories like this one!  Take time to notice your progress and then, CELEBRATE!!!!

Share your progress in the comment section or on the facebook page! 

Rooting for you,

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly"  

Friday, January 21, 2011

I am One Stomach Flu Away from My Goal Weight

This quotation is from the movie The Devil Wears Prada

How many of you, if you'd be honest, have ever thought..

"being sick is a good way to lose weight" 
"I wish I'd get sick, so I could lose weight without trying"

I definitely laughed out loud when I heard the quotation in the movie, but when I spent time thinking about it, I asked myself what can be done to take our focus off from being skinny at any cost to being healthy at any cost. If that isn't our underlined focus, we're flirting with danger. It's dangerous when numbers on a scale are guiding your health decisions.

Here are 3 ways to jump start your healthy lifestyle:

1.  Redefine your perception of health:  Read health magazines, articles, books, etc.
2.  Ask your doctor (or WebMD for those w/o insurance :) about your options for changing your lifestyle
3.  Begin to notice and compliment healthy people

These three steps are sure to get you off on the right foot!  Want to learn how to help yourself stay on track after you start?  Call 678.978.1885 and set up a telephone appointment and you'll be amazed at how weekly life coaching with me will make you more successful in all your goals!

"Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers"  3 John 1:2

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Key to a Great 2011

My best guess is that for most of you, myself included, this year you want to do better in something that relates to your self-image.  Maybe you're wanting to exercise more, eat healthier/less, drink more water, take more pride in your appearance,  or just desire to solely focus on thoughts and people that build up and encourage you.

Whatever you've thought about changing in 2011, just remember that every morning is an opportunity to start anew.  If you didn't do what you hoped to do today, don't give up and wait until the beginning of next year to try again, start with a renewed vigor and freshness the next day.  Your days are whatever you make it to be.  Make it count! Starting fresh every time is the key!

By the way, you're beautiful :-)

"If anyone is in Christ, s/he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"  2 Corinthians 5:17

Take a second and check our word cloud for all the posts from last year!  Click below.
Word Cloud 2010