Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

How many mirrors do you have?
          How long do you look at the mirror?
                    How many times do you look at the mirror?
                              What are you looking for in the mirror?

After you've thought through those questions, I'm curious to read your responses.  Some of you may steer clear of mirrors and others may carry a mirror with them at all times.  Most of you probably fall somewhere in the middle.  Wherever you fall, just know that a mirror's only accuracy is found when it reflects an object back to you.   Everything else you see in the mirror is merely a reflection of your perspective of the objects. 

Bottomline:  Beauty is not an object so quit trying to look for beauty by looking at the mirror.  If you see beauty, it's because you feel beautiful.  If not, it's because you're not feeling beautiful.  It's not only beauty, you may be looking for confidence or strength.  It all comes from within, you can't see it unless you believe it to be there.  A mirror is just a mirror.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time."  Ecclesiastes 3:11

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