Friday, September 10, 2010

Did I Just Look Though All This Girl's Pictures?

Yes, you did.  It all starts off as an innocent stroll through your facebook minifeed.  Suddenly, you notice a picture of a familiar face, a girl looking prettier than you think she really is.  You think "Hold up.  I'm supposed to be prettier (or thinner) than she is.  Is she really that pretty?  That thin?  She can't be that photogenic!  Did she lose weight?  I need to see more pictures; I gotta know"  Before you know it, you're frantically clicking 'next' in her photo album and getting overly frustrated when certain pictures take entirely too long to load...

How am I able to describe this scenario so accurately?  It's not by personal experience, of course, since we all know that I have absolutely no struggles with my self image :-)  I can describe it because it's real.  Maybe after you're done looking at all the pictures you let out a sigh of relief because you found enough pictures that let you know that you won the pretty contest, or you decide the other girl's prettier but at least you have more friends than she does.  However it ends, you probably feel embarrassed for having wasted that much time putting another person down for your own ego.  Sometimes you put down your closest friends. 

I'm guessing you don't want to be that girl anymore.  I know you want to be the type who constantly builds up others, especially since you know firsthand how hard it is for girls to fully love themselves.  I usually end with a verse I feel sums up the main theme of each blog entry.  This time, I want you to search God's word (on paper or internet) to discover the appropriate verse that will help you do what it takes so you don't have to resort to putting down others.  Then, post it in the comment section so the blog world can also benefit.

We're in this together.

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