Friday, October 15, 2010

Goodbye Apple, Hello Donuts!

Today, I was eating my morning apple as usual.  These were fresh, red apples picked from the orchard; I've been enjoying them for about a week now.  Well, somebody decided to be really friendly and bring donuts for the school to enjoy for breakfast!  I'm telling you, my eyes followed those donuts from the minute they entered the door to the moment the top of the box was slowly lifted to reveal freshly baked donuts.  I vocalized how upset I was that donuts were brought but it sure didn't stop me from walking over there and eating not one, but two!  No worries though, I still went back and finished my apple.  Now I've got 3 options:  I could beat myself up for eating two donuts that obviously aren't doing anything for my health, I could pretend eating donuts doesn't matter, or I could accept that I ate(and enjoyed :-) them and set up parameters that will make me successful for next time.  For this case, I've learned that I will no longer let anyone change my planned meal unless it was to make it healthier.

Bottomline:  Forgive yourself (mind, BODY, soul) and learn something everytime you make a mistake.  Before you know it, old mistakes will be a distant memory.  Pretty soon for me, it'll be Hello Apple, Goodbye donuts!

Here's to your success!

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness"

[can you name the reference for the above passage without looking it up? prove it!]

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