Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'll Have A Large Fry and Chocolate Shake with That!

Here is the scenario:

You have recently decided to avoid all processed foods, but this particular morning, you ate the mother of all processed foods, FAST FOOD from McDonalds!  What to do????

Most of us would eat that burger, plus the LARGE fries, and the chocolate shake.  Then when deciding what to eat for your remaining meals throughout the day, you might think, "Well, I already had fast food, I might as well finish out the day with other processed foods I've been craving; I'll be disciplined again tomorrow."  In actuality, that decision just tore down your discipline.  Sometimes we think as if once we make a bad decision, we then have to finish out the day or week living out the same bad decision.  You don't have to.  It's never too late to turn back and do the right thing for you!  I'm not just talking about food either.

Any and everything in your life, any decision you're not proud of and wish you could erase, it is never too late to rectify the situation.  You can't remove your already digested McDonalds burger (that's called bulimia) but you can make good decisions for the remainder of your meals.  Don't ruin a good thing with just one bad decision.  It's never too late.

It's not too late to get closure from that hurt from your past, to put down the cheeseburger, get started on that business idea or to tell the truth. Do not be lazy about living a life that's up to your standard!

It is never too late; it is always right on time!

"The sluggard's carvings will be the death of him" Proverbs 21:25

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Top 7 Reasons for Single Ladies to Be Excited about Valentines Day!

Drumroll please....

7. It's just another day so you can just be happy to be alive and make the most of it!
6.  You're not with your ex!
5. Your daydream about your right guy will once again not be tainted by a real guy
4.  You won't miss the Tuesday night t.v. line up
3.  You can still enjoy a classic girls night out!
2.  You can hit up all the grocery stores and stock up on all the discounted candy tomorrow!
1.  No gross box of chocolates to pretend you like!

People who are in relationships are not in them because they're better than you; they're just experiencing something different than you are currently experiencing.  Don't elevate their situation to being better than your own.  Don't wait until you're in a relationship to look back and miss certain things about being single; enjoy those things now.  Bask in the joy of being independent in job and life decisions, spending more time with the people you care about, and the focus of working on you, rather than a relationship.

Though healthy relationships are great, those in them usually miss certain aspects of their single life because they failed to see the good in it!  Remember you're right where you're supposed to be.  Keep living your best life now and if you do want a relationship, trust that the best guy for you will come into your life.

Remember that God, the most important and most loving being, loves you and so do many other people; don't take their love lightly.  Take today to remember the love that you have and focus on sharing that love every opportunity you have!  Happy Valentine's Day to you; it's not just for couples!

"Love is patient" 1 Cor 13:4